Abundant Wellness With Andrea- From Surviving to Thriving in Mind, Body and Spirit

You were meant for so much more than just getting by and just making it through the hard things in life that get thrown your way. Discover new ways to thrive and walk in wholeness of mind, body and spirit.

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Monday Dec 04, 2023

Nervous system dysregulation is one of the biggest contributers to hormonal mood swings, insomnia, anxiety and fatigue... and yet your OB and GP aren't going to tell you that! 
Take a listen to this episode where Andrea Jones, RN, BSN, FHP shares myths about your nervous system, how to recognize if you're nervous system is dysregulated, how that impacts your menstrual cycle and 4 questions to ask yourself to get "unstuck." 

Monday Nov 20, 2023

It's easy to be thankful when life is good, paychecks are robust, and everyone's healthy. But what about when life is collapsing in on all sides? 
This week's episode dives into the nuances of thankfulness, how it can lend to our strength, connect us to God's heart, and allow for better emotional processing. 
You can also read the transcript of this podcast here https://www.christianparenting.org/articles/developing-thankfulness-in-difficulty/

Monday Nov 13, 2023

Waking up between 2-4 am? Feeling anxious, jittery or fatigued in the afternoon? Difficulty losing weight since you've entered your 30's? 
You could have a cortisol imbalance. 
Make sure to listen to this episode for 5 Cortisol Balancing Strategies for the winter. 
Curious what cortisol imbalance you might have? Take this free quiz to find out 
Ready to take things to the next level? Sign up for the Cortisol Rebalancing 3 week program HERE

Monday Oct 30, 2023

Postpartum can throw many women for a loop, even with the best preparation for it! In this episode, Michelle and I share our personal experiences with postpartum, what helped us then and the help that is available now. 
As a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Neurofeedback Practitioner, Michelle uses many different modalities to help women during the postpartum period. Her personal experience enables her to be present in a way that helps her clients feel seen, understood and safe. 
To work with her, go to www.neurofeedbackcare.com or www.alternativebehavioraltherapies.org 

Monday Oct 23, 2023

We are starting to really understand that trauma isn't just "all in your head." It's stored in your body, in your cells too! 
Thankfully, there is so much we can do to heal from both the big T trauma's and the little T traumas. 
In todays episode, Katie Allen, Licensed Massage Therapist & Myofascial Release Therapist joins us to talk about how working with the body can help us to release both chronic stressors as well as trauma that has been stuck in the body. 
We cover:
What is fascia? 
How does trauma get trapped in the fascial tissue? 
What common issues do people experience that could actually be fascia that needs to be released? 
Don't miss this episode! 
To find Katie, go to: www.healingmfr.com 
To schedule a complementary hormone breakthrough call with Andrea to address your hormone imbalances, and annoying period symptoms, Schedule your call with me HERE 

Monday Oct 16, 2023

Have you ever felt like your mood was in the toilet no matter what you do? And no amount of prayer, exercise or positive thinking seems to change it? 
That could be because you're missing one of the foundations of supporting a healthy mood- nutrition and optimal digestion! 
In this episode, I share a coaching call I had with my Keys to Emotional Freedom Clients where I trained them on creating foundations for a healthy mood through nutrition and lifestyle. 
We address: How to identify cortisol imbalances, how to regulate blood sugar, why our neurotransmitters depend on regular meals and optimal digestion to thrive and so much more! 
Grab the protocol and supplements mentioned HERE 
Schedule a complementary Hormone Breakthrough Call HERE

Monday Oct 02, 2023

Entering the world of special needs parenting was never on my radar. It was like having to learn a foreign language, while also having to navigate a terrain I wasn't prepared or equipped for. 
In this episode Kara Ryska, Owner and Creator of The Special Needs Mom Podcast shares what's really underneath the feelings of overwhelm, chronic stress and anxiety so we can learn how to access support and regulate our own emotions. 
Please give Kara a follow on Instagram @thespecialneedsmompodcast or www.kararyska.com 
Looking for holistic support for your child's growing needs, schedule a discovery call with Andrea here

Monday Sep 25, 2023

Another awesome client interview that you don't want to miss! When Teesha first came to me, she was beyond frustrated and feeling hopeless with her seemingly endless eczema flare ups. 
She felt like she'd tried everything and was no better off than before she had done a million different expensive treatments. Not only that, she was noticing that her periods were heavier, crampy, painful and was more moody and irritable than in years past. 
So what's the connection? 
Take a listen to todays episode where I dive into the physiology behind skin issues and your period, why you need a comprehensive approach to recover, and most importantly, leave with a message of HOPE for your future! 
Ready to get unstuck? Schedule a complementary breakthrough call here. Lets get to the bottom of this together!

Monday Sep 18, 2023

So often we have an perspective on trauma that actually can keep us from reaching out to get the help that we need. 
Joshua Moore is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Board Certified Neurofeedback Practitioner and Co-Owner of Alternative Behavioral Therapies clinic in Vancouver Washington and in this episode we tackle:
What is EMDR?
How does it help and what issues does it benefit?
Is it just useful for PTSD-CPTSD
How do you find a trained provider?
This is a must listen episode! 
Make sure to give Josh and his team a follow on their website www.neuorfeedbackcare.com 

Monday Sep 11, 2023

Homeopathy is one of the most widely misunderstood forms of medicine. It has been well studied for hundreds of years, but because of its complexity, can feel daunting to use. 
In this episode, Melissa and Andrea discuss how homeopathy can be used to support hormone health, what homeopathy is, how its different than other forms of naturopathic medicine, and what common symptoms might help you identify which remedy is the most beneficial. 
Follow Melissa online at www.melissacrenshaw.com for more info! 


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